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G20 Fails to Issue Joint Statement on Ukraine War, Russia-China Blockade

The G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, ended on Saturday without a joint statement, as Russia and China blocked consensus on the war in Ukraine.

The summit, which brought together the leaders of the world’s 20 largest economies, was overshadowed by the conflict in Ukraine. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has triggered a global food and energy crisis, and has led to increased tensions between the West and Russia.

The US and its allies had hoped to use the summit to pressure Russia to end the war in Ukraine. However, Russia and China blocked any reference to the war in the joint statement.

Instead, the statement focused on global economic issues, such as the food and energy crisis. The statement called for cooperation to address these challenges, but it did not mention the war in Ukraine.

The failure to issue a joint statement is a sign of the deep divisions between the West and Russia over the war in Ukraine. It also suggests that the G20 is struggling to function effectively in the wake of the conflict.

The War in Ukraine Casts a Shadow over the Summit

The war in Ukraine was the main topic of discussion at the G20 summit. The US and its allies condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and called for an immediate end to the conflict.

Russia defended its invasion of Ukraine, and accused the West of hypocrisy. The Russian delegation said that the West was waging a proxy war against Russia through its support for Ukraine.

The war in Ukraine has had a significant impact on the global economy. It has led to a rise in food and energy prices, and has disrupted global supply chains.

The G20 leaders discussed ways to address the economic fallout from the war. They agreed to work together to address the food and energy crisis, and to support vulnerable countries that are most affected by the conflict.

Russia and China Block Consensus

Russia and China blocked any reference to the war in Ukraine in the joint statement. The two countries said that they would not agree to any statement that criticized Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The US and its allies had hoped to use the G20 summit to pressure Russia to end the war. However, the failure to issue a joint statement is a sign that Russia is not under any pressure to end the conflict.

The failure to issue a joint statement is also a sign of the deep divisions between the West and Russia. It suggests that the G20 is struggling to function effectively in the wake of the conflict.

The Future of the G20

The failure to issue a joint statement is a setback for the G20. The G20 is a forum for the world’s largest economies to discuss and coordinate global economic policies.

The failure to agree on a joint statement suggests that the G20 is struggling to function effectively in the face of the war in Ukraine. It is unclear whether the G20 will be able to regain its effectiveness in the future.


The failure to issue a joint statement at the G20 summit is a significant development. It is a sign of the deep divisions between the West and Russia over the war in Ukraine. It also suggests that the G20 is struggling to function effectively in the wake of the conflict.

The war in Ukraine is likely to continue to cast a shadow over the G20 in the coming years. It is unclear whether the G20 will be able to regain its effectiveness in the face of the conflict.